Shrimp food for all kinds of fish NO preservatives All natural sun-dried whole shrimp Balanced formulation suitable for feeding all year round Color enhancing ingredients, growth accelerators and immune boosting vitamins
Ideal for saltwater fish: Clown fish, Angels, Tangs, Wrasses, Damsels, Trigger fish Sinking pellets Balanced formulation suitable for feeding all year round Color enhancing ingredients, growth accelerators and immune boosting vitamins
MADE IN TAIWAN Ideal for small mouths such as bettas, tetras, barbs, mollies, guppy and shrimp Contains high concentrations of protein and color enhancers Sinking granules Good alternative as first food for your baby fish or fish fry
Ideal for Angelfish, Goldfish, Cichlids, Gouramis, Tetras, Discus, Cuppies, Barbs and Flowerhorns Floating pellets Balanced formulation suitable for feeding all year round Color enhancing ingredients, growth accelerators and immune boosting vitamins